Name of Business – Mesma
Proprietor’s Name – Carole Loader
Tell us a little bit about your business. When did you start-up, how many people do you employ, what products/services do you provide and who are your typical customers?
Mesma helps organisations to build world class quality assurance systems that have a direct and positive impact on their success. Working with education, employability and regulatory organisations, our aim is to ensure they can focus their attention on
doing what has the most impact on learners and customers.
We achieve this with our specialist quality assurance software platform. Mesma is for leaders whose quality assurance requirements depend on them and their people having access to up-to-date information about their provision or services they can be confident in – quickly, and accurately – in whatever way and at whatever times work best for them. That way, they can move on to doing what matters most, for the people who matter most to them.
How did the Business & IP Centre support you? What services did you use?
I can’t speak highly enough of the BIPC, the team there and the free information support services that are on offer.
Our journey with BIPC began around 12 months ago, We worked alongside BIPC’s Corporate Law & Intellectual Property Expert, Matt McCormack of Ward Hadaway, to complete a detailed review of our contractual paperwork.
Any notable improvements following your time with the BIPC?
Following this, Mesma feels incredibly secure that our offering is fit for purpose – all thanks to the BIPC. We originally sought advice to undertake a detailed review of our contractual arrangements and from there, the BIPC guided us in the right direction and helped us to make major improvements to our terms and conditions. This has enabled us to focus on protecting our intellectual property and helped us to thoroughly scrutinize our trademark.
What do you think of this support being made readily available in your local area?
The BIPC is an invaluable resource for businesses located in and around Sunderland. A wonderful service provided by a dedicated team of experts, the service enables small businesses to access the right service and collaborate with trusted BIPC partners on a wealth of topics. The BIPC help us to access services that are not available in-house. It’s a wonderful, free source of information and
invaluable help for small businesses anywhere in the North East.